Whether pronounced Meem or Meemee, it is an internet-created phenomenonena in which catchphrases, characters, pictures, videos, and other such things become widely known and popular with many people and are often referred to and quoted many times.
Popular examples include but are not limited to:
Double Rainbow (All the way 'cross the sky, baby)
Hide yo' kids, Hide yo' wife
Don't taze me, bro!
and Justin Bieber
However there has been one certain type of meme that has defied all logic.. It is a living, sentient, propagating meme.
–verb (used with object)
1. to cause (an organism) to multiply by any process of natural reproduction from the parent stock.
2. to reproduce (itself, its kind, etc.), as an organism does.
3. to transmit (hereditary features or elements) to, or through,offspring.
4. to spread (a report, doctrine, practice, etc.) from person toperson; disseminate.
5. to cause to increase in number or amount.
6. to create (an effect) at a distance, as by electromagneticwaves, compression waves, etc., traveling through space or a physical medium; transmit: to propagate sound
7. to multiply by any process of natural reproduction, as organisms; breed.
8. to increase in extent, as a structural flaw: The crack will propagate only to this joint.
9. (of electromagnetic waves, compression waves, etc.) to travel through space or a physical medium.
I am unsure as to if this er.. "being", for lack of a better word, has a true name, so for now I shall simply call it "The Propagating Meme". What it does is act as a meme itself. It spreads itself through word of mouth, pictures, audio, any form that it may transmit itself from one person to another (or many others), in an attempt to replicate and produce itself inside the mind of others, so that people can not help but to remember and know of it.
Why it does this, I do not know. It could be any number of reasons. It could become more powerful the more people know of it. It could use this as a form of reproduction (though I am unsure how it lives or thrives inside of people's minds or what would happen should it run out of people to inhabit). It could be planning to take over the minds, and thus the bodies, of every human.. Or it may just do it because.. well.. that is all it knows. It itself may not know why it does it, just that it knows it must.
What do I plan to do about it?.... Nothing, for now. I will observe this phenomenon.. I know where to find a few people that this Meme seems to inhabit and they have, regrettably, relapsed into a state of insanity, muttering nonsensical phrases that seem to relate to something that is "coming". Their minds were perhaps unable to handle some sort of strain that the meme may put on it's host's brain, or perhaps the meme purposely drove them insane.. Again, I am not sure and it could be any number of reasons. However, I do plan on finding out. That is my agenda for tomorrow morning. Will report more tomorrow, perhaps.
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